Why Do Liquid Vitamins Contain Antioxidants ?

Vitamins offer many health benefits. Many only think they need to take a good vitamin supplement because their mother said so. However, vitamin supplements offer antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin A. These antioxidants combat reactive oxygen intermediates (free radicals). In order for us to understand why it is important to take a vitamin supplement rich in antioxidants, we need to understand free radicals.

Most recall the widely recognized chlorofluorocarbons which were free radicals produced by solar radiation that caused depletion of the ozone layer. This is probably the most familiar free radical that jogs the memory. However, free radicals have been linked to several diseases such as cancer, hypertension, and rheumatoid arthritis to name a few. But what are free radicals?

Free radicals are simply atoms or groups of atoms with unpaired electrons in the outer (valence) shell. Why is this so deadly? Most atoms want to attain a stable outer shell. In order to be stable, free radicals must obtain an electron so that the electrons are paired. Because the outer shell contains unpaired electrons, free radicals are extremely reactive.

In our bodies, free radicals will oxidize the nearest molecule taking the needed electron. The oxidized molecule will then become a free radical, beginning a chain reaction. This chain reaction will continue until resulting in the disruption of a living cell. Free radicals can attack lipids (fats), proteins, carbohydrates, and DNA. However, DNA is a prime target. DNA and free radical interactions usually result in mutations that adversely affect the cell cycle and potentially lead to malignancy. In fact, researchers believe this is how many forms of cancer arise. Why should you take an antioxidant?

Antioxidants are substances that protect the body from damaging oxidation reactions. The antioxidants can safely interact with free radicals and prevent the damage of vital molecules. Antioxidants are able to neutralize the free radical chain reaction by reacting with the free radical. In order to stop the chain reaction, the antioxidant donates the needed electron. The antioxidants also do not become a free radical by donating the electron, safely ending the chain reaction. The antioxidants are able to do this because they are stable in either form.

Free radicals can be very harmful for the body. Most focus on the harmful affects of free radicals and sources of damaging free radicals; pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides. However, some free radicals can be useful to our bodies and environment. Free radicals are required in polymerization reactions to create useful plastics. The body uses free radicals in the immune system (neutrophils). The body also uses free radicals for cell signaling processes.

Regardless of good free radicals, protection against harmful free radicals is extremely important to good health. The most important antioxidants are vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), and vitamin E (alpha tocopherol). The body does not produce these essential vitamins, so they must be provided in the diet.

The invisible war against harmful free radical damage affects the world. The antioxidant remedy can easily be supplemented with a vitamin supplement fortified with antioxidants. Cancer may not be curable but it can be prevented if antioxidants are allowed to intervene.

by: Kristy Haugen

Antioxidants - Add a Lean, Muscular Body to the List of Benefits

I’m sure by now you’ve heard all about the amazing health benefits of antioxidant rich foods in your diet. Not only do these free-radical fighting antioxidants help you look and feel younger by slowing down the aging process, but they also help to prevent cancer, heart disease, and loads of other degenerative diseases. But that’s not all. Antioxidants also help you to recover better from exercise and that means more muscle and less fat on your body in the long run!

The function that antioxidants play in aiding your recovery from exercise is the inhibition of free radicals produced during exercise. Any time you workout, free radicals are produced in the body that damage muscle tissue. Having an adequate supply of antioxidants about an hour or so before your workout can greatly reduce the muscle damage caused by free radicals, hence, improving your muscular recovery from exercise.

Some of the most potent sources of whole food antioxidants are berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cranberries), cherries, acai fruit, various teas (green tea, white tea, black tea, and red tea - a.k.a. rooibos tea), nuts, seeds, red and black beans, purple potatoes, grapes, red wine, cinnamon, and dark chocolate or cocoa. Don’t be fooled by all of the intense marketing for expensive antioxidant supplement pills remember whole foods are always better for you (and cheaper) than a pill.

My favorite pre-workout antioxidant-loaded snack is a piece of whole grain toast with almond butter, a small amount of blackberry jam, and topped with a pile of fresh blueberries or sliced strawberries. I wash it down with a glass of iced green tea or rooibos tea sweetened with just a small bit (about a teaspoon) of raw honey. This is literally a quintuple-whammy of potent anti-oxidants! The almond butter, blackberry, blueberries, raw honey, and the green or rooibos tea are all loaded with different varieties of muscle protecting, youth promoting antioxidants. I throw down this snack about an hour before my training. Give it a try for yourself, or be creative and come up with your own antioxidant-rich pre-workout snack based on your tastes.

Remember, your body is continually bombarded every day by free radicals (creating oxidative stress) from exercise, air pollution, smoke, sun exposure, junk food, exposure to chemicals, etc. To reap the full benefits of antioxidants, try to make sure that every meal and snack you eat has at least one or two sources of antioxidant rich foods. This will give you a continuous supply of antioxidants throughout every day to prevent damage from the free radicals you are constantly exposed to.

Antioxidants are just one piece to the puzzle of a healthy diet that will give you the lean, muscular, youthful, and disease-free body that everyone wants. To discover the secrets behind all of the other pieces to the diet puzzle that create a lean body (macronutrient profile, glycemic response, hormonal response, glycogen storage, muscle protein synthesis, the role of leptin, the insulin process, etc.).

by: Michael Geary

Antioxidants - Your Body's Garbage Collector

Are you making the mistake of not eating enough antioxidants in your diet? I mean really, what is the harm? What, that is, aside from early aging, heart disease, cancer, and a host of other illnesses.

As someone who is concerned about your health, you should be very much aware of the foods you put into your body. But how many of us actually are?

If your health strategy is simply to eat what you want and hope for the best, you may be planting the seeds of your own future illnesses.

Antioxidants help to fight free radicals. But what are free radicals and why are they so harmful to your body? And why does your body need protection against them?

A free radical is a molecule with an unpaired electron. Because it has a free electron, it is highly reactive and very susceptible to oxidation.

Just think of how an exposed apple or potato turns brown when left uncovered. This is caused by oxidation. Well, this is what free radicals are doing to the inside of your body.

Free radicals are not useful as cells to the body. Instead, they steal nutrients from healthy cells - starving them. When healthy cells starve, they deteriorate, and in the process, weaken the body's immune defenses. This is why your body needs to rid itself of them as soon as possible.

Free radicals occur in our bodies every minute of the day. But environment has an effect also. The more you are in contact with toxic environments such as cigarette smoke, radioactivity, smog, pollution, and so on, the more free radicals your body will absorb.

So how can you slow the free radical onslaught against your body? The key is antioxidants.

Normally, a healthy body full of antioxidants, is capable of handling free radicals easily. But if your body is under physical or mental stress, your body's natural defense system may simply not have enough antioxidants available to fight the free radicals.

Antioxidants are believed to help protect the body from free-radical damage by interacting with free radicals in the body and short circuiting their harmful actions. They're scavengers, or garbage collectors. They help to rid your blood vessels and cells of radical cells that would harm you.

Clearly, with all the evidence so far, no reasonable person could ignore the wealth of evidence pointing to the importance of antioxidants.

Although, not conclusive, high antioxidants levels have lent to conclusions that they can slow aging, prevent heart attacks and strokes,

The best way to ensure that your body is loaded with enough antioxidants is to eat the recommended five to eight serving of fruits and vegetables a day. Especially, those with high levels of vitamins E, A, and C.

But, really, how many of us do that? The only people I know doing that are hard core vegetarians.

Therefore, even though, it may not be the best choice, you should seriously consider making nutrient supplements a part of your every day dietary routine.

Taking vitamins or supplements daily that contain antioxidants are a good way to maintain cellular health.

by: Jim Allen

Antioxidants May Prevent Childhood Asthma

A source suggests that there may be a new way to help children who are subjected to the dangers of second hand tobacco smoke.

It has become apparent that childhood asthma could be prevented with the help of antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, and Selenium. This is especially true in cases involving children who are exposed to cigarette smoke.

Researchers in a 2004 study looked at data collected from a sample of 6153 four to sixteen year old children. It was discovered that dietary supplementation of beta-carotene, vitamin C, and Selenium caused a 10% to 20% overall reduction in asthma prevalence.

A likely reason for this is the high levels of serum that are contained in these highly effective antioxidant substances.

The most surprising part of the study, however, was that the effect was considerably much more pronounced in cases where the children were exposed to environmental second hand tobacco smoke. In these cases, supplementation was associated with an enormous 50% reduction in asthma prevalence.

These results seem to indicate that supplementing your child's diet with Selenium, as well as with vitamin C and beta-carotene is an excellent way to protect them against the damaging effects that second hand smoke can have on their growing lungs.

by: Jeremy Maddock

How Smoking Cause Wrinkles

Okay, you know by now that smoking is bad for you. Smoking cigarettes causes cancer, emphysema, and a whole host of chronic health problems. In addition, it's smelly and unattractive. But did you know that smoking could age your skin dramatically? Studies show that exposure to cigarette smoke is a leading factor in aging skin. Wrinkles, puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, sagging skin; all are results of exposure to the ravages of cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke, like other pollutants, damages the skin in part because it leads to the production of free radicals. These are unstable molecules that attack healthy cells. While they cause damage throughout our bodies, their ravages are most visible in the skin. When healthy cells are attacked, the skin appears dull, dry and blotchy.

Toxins really take their toll on skin. Modern anti-aging research shows that keeping the toxins out of our bodies leads to firmer skin with a more even tone. Reducing the amount of pollution and toxins will be reflected in your face. Even if you are not a smoker yourself, the presence of smoke in your environment is a real concern. We know that second-hand smoke causes health problems. It also causes aging in the skin.

Smoking reduces the levels of collagen in the skin. Collagen has been called the building block of our bodies. It is a protein, which acts as the glue that holds everything together. It is responsible for both elasticity and smoothness in the skin. Over time, collagen begins to break down, and the body has a harder time producing more. Wrinkles and sagging skin are the result. Cigarette causes collagen to degrade even more quickly, prematurely aging the skin.

Finally, smoking reduces circulation. This has two effects. A smoker's skin is actually thinner than that of non-smokers. Thin skin is far more susceptible to wrinkles, age spots, dark circles, and other signs of aging. And lack of circulation means that less oxygen is flowing to the skin cells. Oxygen is a necessary ingredient in healthy skin.

Fortunately, quitting can make a real difference in the appearance of your skin. And using a quality anti-aging skin formula can help repair the damage. Some skin creams use a cutting-edge product which can visibly reduce fine lines, firm the skin, and provide the moisture needed to keep your face looking young and healthy. They are also full of top-quality antioxidants, key ingredients in fighting the damage caused by smoke exposure.

So try to stop smoking now! You know it's bad for you Free Web Content, now you know that it will make you look old before your time.

By : James Schramko

Does Coffee Have Any Antioxidant Benefits ?

Before we get all excited over the recent news about coffee being our new antioxidant, we need to take a look at the entire picture. Is there truly a coffee antioxidant? If there is, how exactly is coffee an antioxidant? Does it become the antioxidant when it's heated? Does the coffee antioxidant benefit everyone? Are there still dangers to drinking coffee? How much coffee is good for us and when does it become bad for us?

Brewed coffee contains many antioxidants and consumption of antioxidant-rich brewed coffee may inhibit diseases caused by oxidative damages. Antioxidants are said to be an inhibitor of certain types of diseases. However, coffee beans are not all a like. Not all coffee beans are of the same quality or even the same make up. Sort of like comparing tennis shoes to sandals. Both go on your feet, but they are not made up of the same components. You can actually break coffee down into several different water-soluble components. The dietary fiber derived from roasted coffee silverskin. This is one component of the coffee bean that has high antioxidant content. This is how the scientists find out about the antioxidant benfits of coffee in their studies. What they do in fact is the break down the coffee beans into different components. They filter out the components that the coffee antioxidant is found in, and then they test lab rats in a variety of experiments to determine how well they survive with or without the various additives in their diet. When they discover something really swell, like a coffee antioxidant, our culture of coffee drinking addicts suddenly becomes a feverorish mob.

For years and years we've heard bad things about coffee. For example: it's bad for your heart, increases blood pressure, may cause breast cancer, probably keeps you awake at night, and my personal favorite, has a poisonous gas when brewed.When the world of coffee addicts even gets a tiny hint that coffee could have something beneficial, believe me they don't just drink more coffee, they try to get everyone to join them. So, here we now have scientific studies proving to us that coffee has antioxidants.

Researchers have identified several compounds in coffee that create a coffee antioxidant. Why would this be of interest to us? Because scientific studies are showing that antioxidants may help prevent cancer. You see the connection here. However, until human studies are done, science cannot state exactly how much coffee must be consumed in order gain this protection against colon cancer or any other type of cancer. Before the coffee is roasted the antioxidant benefits are varied. However, once the coffee is roasted and served as a drink things get evened out. They all seem to have the same degrees of antioxidants.

Some studies suggest coffee having other benefits such as added fertility in men and some benefits for those suffering from diabetes. You'll have to read those studies on your own. The fact that a coffee antioxidant exists may be true, but the reality is that coffee can be just as harmful if your body doesn't like it, if you consume too much, if you have high blood pressure, and if it keeps you awake at night. Is there truly a coffee antioxidant? Yes, but the actual amount needed to be consumed in order to receive the anti-cancer benefits by humans is unknown. How exactly is coffee an antioxidant?

Coffee alone isn't the antioxidant, it's several different components that are part of the coffee bean. Roasting and heating the coffee changes the total antioxidant output. Does it become the antioxidant when it's heated? It seems that although some coffee beans like green coffee beans may be higher in antioxidants that other more common beans, once they are roasted and heated for consumption, the results are the same regarding the antioxidantal benefits. Does the coffee antioxidant benefit everyone? Honestly, this is NOT a question easily answered. In fact, the truth is it is still unknown just how beneficial coffee antioxidants are for humans. Are there still dangers to drinking coffee? Yes, of course there is. If you have high blood pressure and you have seen how coffee enhances this problem, you know it's bad for YOU personally. If you can't get proper sleep or you drive everyone around you nuts because you can't sit still or shut-up, you know coffee is bad for you.

Use common sense and listen to your body. Coffee is not good for everyone and unknown just how good for anyone. How much coffee is good for us and when does it become bad for us? Again drink coffee in moderation, pay attention to your own body. Exercise and good eating habits are a far better way to get healthy than drinking 10 cups of cappuccino a day. All things in moderation. After reading everything about this new thing called a coffee antioxidant I have decided that there are better ways of getting antioxidants into my blood.

Coffee may have many benefits, but so does water and it is possible to drown from drinking too much water. Yes, I know, you have to really drink a lot to accomplish this, but it's the principle of the matter. Too much of anything is not a good thing.

by: Aaron Matthews Morgan

How the Acai Berry Antioxidant Gets So Much Antioxidant Power

Many fruits and vegetables are rich in polyphenols (antioxidants), anthocyanins (the darker pigment in foods), and tannins (ability to tan). Why are the antioxidant properties of Acai so much higher than the what tests find in any other common food?

When considering how plants use up energy to produce antioxidant compounds in the first place the answer becomes quite obvious.

Plants produce and use antioxidants to handle stress. Then one asks, what kind of powerful forms of stress does a berry like the one from an Acai palm endure, especially the kinds that give it such an unusually high antioxidant capacity? The Amazonian Acai Palm grows to an exceedingly tall height all along the Amazon River basin and its rivulets and tributaries, very close to the Earth's equator. In fact, the only time this palm needs shade is during it's early growth stage. Once the Acai plant matures and starts to grow it can then begin to constantly endure the sun's intense ultraviolet radiation.

As the Acai palm attains it's maximum height of nearly 100 feet or more, it becomes an integral portion of the forest canopy, or roof. The development of astonishing antioxidant characteristics of plant by-products is particularly evident in the low areas, near rivers and their tributaries, such as along Brazil's coastal swamps, for example. Keep in mind that extended periods of seasonal flooding occurs in swamps.

Typically, if a food crop like corn remains under water for more than a few days, it will always die. This is a condition called anoxia, or "lack of oxygen", which is responsible for these plants dying off so quickly. Anoxia is clearly an example of a stressful condition, which can easily kill a plant when it happens for even a short time.

Now most plants cannot survive without oxygen very long, but the Acai palm can last for weeks and even months during anoxia caused by flooding. It's thought that this survival mechanism is possible as oxygen transfer takes place from it's leaves (above the water) into the roots (under water). Amazingly, the Acai berry palm has also developed the capacity to create energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in its cells without the presence of oxygen.

As the root system in the Acai palm is transferring oxygen, other forms of non-oxygen dependent growth and processing is occurring at the same time. Rice is another example of this type of plant that also carries on this type of metabolizing. This is why rice is able to grow under water in paddies. Hence, Acai is not just another ordinary palm tree, but one that has evolved over time to be able to handle all sorts of severe climates, geologic challenges and the enviromnental stresses caused by flooding.

This type of resilient adaptation and the building up of antioxidants to handle these stresses ends up in the products the plant grows - Acai berries. These Acai Berries loaded with Antioxidants are undoubtedly beneficial to those that consume them.

You can get the most from Acai, but only as Freeze Dried Acai.

by Voltolio

MaxGXL increases body's most powerful antioxidant

Choose MaxGXL™ for maximum antioxidant protection. It is clinically proven to also provide these important benefits :

Dramatically Raise Your Energy Levels, Strengthen Your Immune System, Slow Down the Aging Process, Fight Inflammation, Improve Athletic Performance & Recovery and Detoxify Your Body.

According to the former president of the American Medical Association: "This product(MaxGXL™), in my opinion,represents the single most important breakthrough in health that I will witness in my life time. I believe it will revolutionize, change, and transform the practice of medicine world-wide and make Dr Robert Keller more famous than Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine." -Dr. John C. Nelson, 159th President of the American Medical Association.

The body's most powerful anti-oxidant is one that the body produces itself. It is called Glutathione, which is a protein produced by every cell in your body. It is actually more effective than Vitamins C & E. Increasing your Glutathione levels is the smartest way to provide your body maximum antioxidant protection. MaxGXL's™ proprietary formula raises Glutathione levels within each cell, it also enables the liver to manufacture more, increasing the body's level of Glutathione.

Glutathione has been shown to slow down the aging process, detoxify and improve liver function, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the chances of developing cancer. Glutathione also works to help improve mental functions, increase energy, improve concentration, permit increased exercise, and improve heart and lung function - just to name a few.

The Consumers' Research Council has named the inventor of MaxGXL™, Dr. Robert Keller, MD, one of America's "Top Physicians in 2003, 2004 and 2005 in the fields of Internal Medicine, Immunology and Hematology.

Dr. Keller has served on the faculties of the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Wisconsin and the Medical College of Wisconsin (Marquette Univ.) He has published more than 100 original articles in various scientific and medical journals and has been awarded several patents. Dr Keller was elected to The Board of Governors of the American Academy of HIV medicine, and serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of several Biotech companies.

by Walter Bell

The Power of Antioxidants is Not Just for Internal Health But Outward Beauty

You know the old saying; "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" An apple is something that helps build internal health as it is a powerful antioxidant. That same antioxidant power can be applied to skin care as well. Antioxidants have been used for years with fantastic results for topical skin care. Today, it's rare for wholesome products not to be enriched with one or more health- and beauty-enhancing ingredients.


Nearly two decades of scientific research indicates creams, lotions, and ointments containing vitamins and nutrients may help reduce wrinkles and protect skin against sun damage and maladies such as rosacea and exema. These ingredients, acting as antioxidants, fight oxygen-free radicals such as pollution, smoke, UV rays, and other harsh elements that damage DNA and cause skin to sag and lose elasticity.

Unlike supplements, which deploy only a portion of the vitamin's potency to the skin, vitamin-enriched products applied topically have a more direct, long-lasting effect. And, it is an effect today's clients are clamoring for-younger looking skin for longer: younger looking skin longer. To deliver what your clients seek, carefully evaluate the ingredients in the products you retail and your esthetician use in treatments. Here is what to look for.


Alpha Lipoic Acid ( ALA )

Products with ALA are ideal for treating people with clogged pores or acne. The antioxidant ALA , which is soluble in fat and water, and is easily absorbed. It helps reduce inflammations, minimize scars, and lessen the appearance of enlarged pores. ALA also increases cell metabolism and helps to repair skin damage, making it tremendously therapeutic for aging skin.

Deanol Bitartrate (DMAE)

DMAE, a strong anti-inflammatory nutrient that the body produces naturally, is hailed for diminishing the appearance of scars and improving the firmness and tone of muscles. When mixed with other nutrients and applied topically, DMAE can quickly and dramatically increase firmness and skin radiance. It also has the ability to store in the skin to provide lasting benefits.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A takes many forms. For example, retinoic acid, a derivative of vitamin A, is the active ingredient in prescription Retin-A, and Renova, another derivative of vitamin A, is used to prevent [treat] acne and wrinkles. Today, many cosmetic companies are looking at incorporating another yet another derivative, Retinol, into nonprescription lotions. Regardless of the form, vitamin A causes the skin to exfoliate at a faster rate, a process that otherwise slows with age. Exfoliation brings fresher-looking skin to the surface and prevents pores from clogging, which could lead to acne. Using vitamin A increases sensitivity to the sun, however, so it is even more important to warn clients to be diligent about using sunscreen.

Vitamin C

Known for its ability to neutralize harmful free radical molecules, vitamin C protects skin against UVA and UVB rays. A six-month study conducted in France in 2001 found that C's fat-soluble form, vitamin C ester, might actually reverse skin damage. Researchers saw the participants' wrinkles diminish during the time they applied cream with vitamin C ester, also called ascorbyl palmitate. Additionally, vitamin C enhances skin's smoothness, creating a youthful glow.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E, known for its anti-inflammatory and nurturing effects, is cropping up in more and more in balms, lotions, and salves. The fat-soluble vitamin, found in nuts, oils, and vegetables, moisturizes, smoothes, and softens skin. Recent research suggests that vitamin E applied topically, particularly in the form of alpha tocopherol, can smooth rough skin, diminish the length of facial lines, and lessen the depth of wrinkles. Using vitamin E may also reduce the risk of UV light-induced skin cancer, prompting it to be added to many sunscreens.

Scientists are learning more and more about how vitamins and nutrients can improve our well-being-inside and out. Recently, another antioxidant, Idebenone, has emerged on the beauty scene. The extremely powerful nutrient appears to fight cell damage related to aging and wrinkles. By putting these naturally occurring substances to work, estheticians have a more effective skin care tools to treat and improve clients' skin. And happy clients with great-looking skin are a great advertisement for you and your business.

by Melanie Vasseur

Cholesterol May Act As An Antioxidant

Cholesterol is not a life-threatening toxin, but a medium-sized molecule that is really a building block for important parts of the body. Cholesterol is also the forerunner of important hormones such as the female sex hormone, oestradiol, and the male sex hormone, testosterone, and of vitamin D, which we need in order to utilize calcium and form bone. Cholesterol is carried in the blood as part of particles called lipoproteins. In fact, cholesterol is being transported to tissues as part of an inflammatory response that is there to repair damage.

Cholesterol isnt part of the problem, its part of the solution - to a different problem. Cholesterol is actually saving the lives of people, because cholesterol is a bandage, a waterproof bandage that the body has designed. Cholesterol is actually an interim lifesaver, giving the body time to recover from its problems. For people under the age of 50, high blood cholesterol may be indicative of a problem, but if you recall its role as an antioxidant, and a substance used in repair of the body, you may wonder if this highered level is an attempt to protect the body from such things as damage to the arterial walls.

If you have too much cholesterol in your bloodstream, a lot can collect in the blood vessel walls, causing these "pipes" to become narrower. Avoid foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fat, and trans fat, all of which increase cholesterol levels and your risk of developing heart disease. Before you start chomping on those cheese fries or that greasy burger, you might want to take a closer look at whether you're getting too much cholesterol. Actually, your body produces enough cholesterol so that if you never touched another cheese fry, you'd be OK. Although most teens won't need to take medication to lower their cholesterol, it's still important to keep cholesterol in check.

The natural antioxidants in Oat Bran can significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels by suppressing the adhesive molecules which make blood cells stick to artery walls, researchers reported. When, instead, you consume lots of 'naked' oils stripped from seeds, your cellular membranes become increasingly unsaturated and less protected by antioxidants. Eating a variety of antioxidant-rich foods, on a daily basis, is your best strategy for harnessing the disease-fighting antioxidant potential of the mighty plant kingdom.

A high cholesterol is not dangerous by itself, but may reflect an unhealthy condition, or it may be totally innocent. Importantly, while many cardiologists insist that lowering cholesterol is correlated with a reduction in the risk of heart attacks; few can say that there is a reduction in the risk of mortality (death). However, the bottom line is that a high level of plasma cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for heart disease and strokes.

by Paul Rodgers

Rooibos Tea - Health Benefits - Antioxidants

Rooibos is an African name for 'red bush', its scientific name is 'aspalathus linearis'. Rooibos is a natural herb found in a small area in South Africa, the Cedarberg Mountains. The leaves are processed to make tea and brings many health benefits to the body. The tea is nowhere related to green tea from the plant camella sinensis.

Popularly called ' red tea ', the plant is far from the color red, it is actually green. The red color only appears after the oxidation or fermentation process of tea making.

Rooibos tea or red tea does not contain caffeine making it suitable even for children. No sugar may be added because it is naturally sweet.

The antioxidant content of rooibos tea: The two primary antioxidants in the rooibos tea are aspalathin and nothofagin. Aspalathin is unique to rooibos while nothofagin can be found in some other plants.

Aspalathin contain phenolic acids such as ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid, vanillic acid, syringic acid , p-hydroxybenzoic acid, caffeic acid and protocatechuic acid. It also contains flavonoids such as isoquercitrin, rutin, quercetin, iso-vitexin, vitexin, chrysoeriol, orientin, iso-orientin and luteolin. So much for those scientific names, these compounds are all beneficial to the body.

Mineral content: Aside from the antioxidants, rooibos tea also contain lots of minerals which can aid your body in maintaining a healthy nervous system and metabolic processes giving you healthy bones, teeth and skin. Copper, iron, mangnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium are some minerals which can be found in rooibos tea.

Rooibos tea is ideal for people who are prone to kidney stones since it does not contain oxalic acid.

Compared to black tea and green tea, the tannin content of rooibos is relatively small making your body absorb more iron and other minerals and does not disrupt proper digestion.

Rooibos tea have been used in Africa to aid in many health problems including insomnia, nervous tension, hypertension, irritability and headaches. Its anti-spasmonid agents can relieve colic in infants and stomach cramping.

Allergies such as eczema, asthma and hay fever can be treated by drinking rooibos tea.

Not only is rooibos beneficial when taken internally, it can also be applied topically to treat irritated skin and minor wounds. Antioxidants are naturally anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial making it suitable for this application.

Other health benefits of rooibos tea: It makes a good alternative for NSAIDs to relieve inflammations. NSAIDs(Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs) can be detrimental to your health especially the gastrointestinal tract when taken for a prolonged period of time. Rooibos tea has no side effects making it a healthier alternative as an anti inflammatory.

Free radicals are the starting point of potential oxidative damage to your cells. The antioxidants in rooibos tea can neutralize these free radicals before doing any damage.

Commercial applications of rooibos tea : Rooibos tea have been included as ingredients for soaps, facial creams and shampoos. Users claim that it makes their skin softer and smoother. Others say that it clears up psoriasis and acne.

If you want to consider rooibos tea as part of your healthy diet, you can find many products which can be purchased online.

by Jess Ba-ad